In order to maximize a portfolio investment, it is important that Private Equity firms try to gain full visibility into all areas that affect the profit margins of their client. Chateau Energy Solutions assists Private Equity firms to make the most of portfolio investments with a view into operational efficiency – specifically energy.
Energy waste in common in facilities and it’s helpful for Private Equity firms to understand how energy efficiency can positively affect profit margins. Chateau Energy’s experts will look at how energy systems and processes operate within a building and find ways to integrate energy efficiency strategies to make the building operate at peak efficiency.
Chateau Energy Solutions can provide pre-investment audits of prospective acquisition building portfolios. It is important to learn how a company is purchasing and consuming gas and electricity and if it can be purchased at a more competitive price.
Facility audits are also key to find areas where energy usage can be reduced and operating costs lowered.
Both provide Private Equity firms a better understanding of the potential investment’s operating procedures and costs, and what could be implemented to further save money after the investment.
The same pre-investment opportunities can be used to benefit a post equity investment as well. Post-investment audits can be completed to identify areas where energy optimization expertise and new technology can be implemented to improve utility supply contracts (electric and gas). Energy conservation measures can be implemented to reduce energy usage and to lower operating costs and improve profits. Chateau Energy Solutions is also well qualified to leverage available utility rebates and incentives.
When working with Chateau Energy Solutions, Private Equity firms are on target to receive greater ROI’s through strategic and tactical investigations and the implementation of energy efficiency projects. This will lead to substantial savings and improved profitability of equity investments. Chateau Energy Solutions assists Private Equity firms on the path to Making Energy an Asset®.
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Chateau Energy Solutions Making Energy an Asset®
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