Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Manati

The Opportunity: Encompass Health is one of the United States’ largest providers of post-acute healthcare services in the US. Chateau Energy Solutions has been engaged with Encompass Health for several years providing a national lighting program that supports the healthcare provider’s corporate sustainability, energy efficiency, and cost reduction initiatives. Encompass Health determined the Puerto Rico facility needed a lighting upgrade, and Chateau Energy was the right partner to complete this project. 

The hospital was using outdated fluorescent technology at the 40 bed, 45,000 sq. ft. facility. While Chateau Energy has already installed LED lighting at more than 75 Encompass Health hospitals across the lower 48 states, the Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Manati in Puerto Rico posed some new challenges due to its location. Before installing LED lighting technology, the Chateau Energy team would first need to overcome supply chain, shipping, storage, and installation crew challenges.

The Solution: Although the installation took place offshore, Chateau Energy’s approach remained the same. The lighting experts met with the hospital’s director of operations, audited the facility, and created a customized solution that fit Encompass Health’s goals.

Coordination was key to ensure seamless project completion. Before work began in Puerto Rico, Chateau Energy managed multiple logistical obstacles. Because the project would be completed on an island, packaging the various lighting materials into one exclusive container to be shipped overseas was imperative. Following that, tariffs would need to be paid to release the materials once received on the island, travel and housing were necessary for the installation crew, warehouse storage needed to be secured, and identification of a local, reputable recycling company was required. 

Even with this unique situation, the team of professionals at Chateau Energy completed the installation in 10 days. More than 670 LED lights were installed in patient and exam rooms, offices, nurse stations, lobbies, the therapy gym, and general areas at the hospital. Hospital administration was so pleased that they have had several conversations with other healthcare providers on the island about the ease, results, and benefits of working with Chateau Energy.

Benefits: The LED lighting upgrade at the Encompass Health Puerto Rico hospital was a complete success. The installation crew worked on a special schedule to not disturb staff or patients. Today, the facility has improved lighting quality, a lower carbon footprint, and an updated look and feel consistent with other Encompass Health facilities. The lighting upgrade resulted in a 180,540 kWh annual reduction, cut energy costs, and reduced the annual CO2 amount by 270,810 pounds making the hospital safer, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly.


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